Rachael Stott Rachael Stott

Astragalus, a powerful cardio and immune tonic

Astragulus has a long tradition is TCM as an immune tonic and for cardiovascular support

Astragalus membranacecus is a herb I use often in clinic. It has a long history in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). It is easy to grow from seed and is a legume that dies down over winter. The root is the part used herbally. My current plants have just been repotted. It is a herbaceous perennial so it will die down as the weather cools down and pop back up in spring.

Astragalus is indicated for:

🌿Cardiovasular system - is supports healthy blood pressure (in the case of hyertension) and is a cardiotonic.

🌿It has adaptogenic actions meaning it may be indicated for people who are under stress and fatigued from stress.

🌿It has immune enhacing and tonic actions meaning it may be supportive when the body has cancer, fibromyalgia of post-viral syndromes. It may be safe to use alongside many chomotherapy drugs and radiotherapy.

Please note, this herb is not to be used when you have an acute infection. Consult your naturopath or medical herbalist if you wish to take it while on any immune suppressive drugs as it may be contraindicated.

Astragalus membraneceus that was sown in spring

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