Rachael Stott Rachael Stott

Vervain, a women’s herb

Vervain is mainly known as a woman’s herb

Vervain, Verbena officinalis, is coming to the end of its flowering season. It is an easy herb to grow and has tiny flowers that open progressively on wand-like stems. The aerial parts are used medicinally. Historically it was seen as magical or sacred plant by the Romans, Egyptians and Druids and it has a long history of use.

Vervain is most well-known as a nervine as it may reduce tension in the body that has been there for a while. and when someone has been stressed long term. It may help with insomnia in this case. It also has the action of thymoleptic with raises the mood so it may support someone with mild depression, anxiety and irritability.

It is considered a woman's herb as it balances hormones in a gentle way by supporting the liver meaning it may help PMS, cramping and irregular periods. This support of women continues into lactation where it may be helpful as a glactogogue.

It may also be considered when someone has the ills and chills as it has diaphoretic action, so a person may sweat it out.

Please note, this herb is contraindicated during pregnancy and it safe to use during labour and after delivery.

Vervain showing its airy stems and tiny pink flowers.

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