Rachael Stott Rachael Stott


Plantain is a useful herb to have in the garden and to be able to identify when you are out and about

Plantain or ribwort, Plantago lanceolata; Plantago major, is another very useful perennial 'weed'. I have it popping up in my garden and lawn and I try to always keep a patch there for when someone may need it. It spreads easily by seed. It is a European native that is now found in many places in the world, so it’s an easy herb to find if you require it when you’re camping or walking at the river or in a paddock. It’s a blessing that the pests leave it alone (huge slug problem this year in my garden) and that it’s reistant to frosts and drought conditions. The narrow and broad leafed versions can be used interchangeably, with the leaf used. The leaves are harvested before or at the start of flowering. Plantago psyllium, psyllium is a close relative of which the seeds are used.

It has a long history of use. In times gone by, plantain was used for many conditions, including snake and mad dog bite antidote, for bleeding (external and internal), fevers, coughs, worms. The list goes on.

Modern use shows an affinity with the lungs and sinuses, urinary tract and the gut internally. It often used when someone has hayfever, has blocked sinuses or ears, coughing or bronchitis or peptic ulcers, haemorrhoids or an upset tummy. It would also be indicated for UTIs. Externally things it may be used for include slow healing wounds, inflamed mouth or eyes, conjuctivitis or haemorrhoids.

As a first aid remedy, I know people who swear by it for things like insect bites, nettle stings, or wounds. They chew a leaf to make a poutice then place it on the affected area under a bandage. Good to know for when you’re out and about. Make sure you can identify it for future reference.

In practice, I use it as part of a tea blends and herbal tincture blends. I use it myself for damping down hayfever. The irony is not lost on me ~ many people’s seasonal allergies are actually triggered by the pollen of plantain!

Plantain or ribwort is such a useful hardy weed that is great to have in the garden and to know how to identify when out and about.

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