Rachael Stott Rachael Stott

Herb Robert

Herb Robert is either considered a welcome groundcover or an invasive weed, depending on the garden. It has some medicinal uses.

Herb Robert, Geranium robertianium var alba, has made itself at home in my garden. Everywhere. It's a small compact low growing plant with dainty white flowers. The more regular version is leggy and has larger pink flowers. I hear many gardeners complain about how it takes over their gardens. It is a European native that thrives in shady damp spots and at the edge of woodlands. The white version is excellent ground cover in my garden. The pollinators love it too so maybe that’s why it’s spread so well for me. The leaves smell unpleasant when crushed, which is typical of the geranium family.

This is an edible ‘weed’ that you can add to salads or herbal teas. It was traditionally used for bleeding noses, digestive upsets and as an antiseptic. When crushed you can rub it on your skin as an insect repellent or as a wound healer. It has an affiity with the liver and gallbladder (the bitter taste is considered to be aligned with the liver). It can be dried to use over winter. The roots are also used. It is considered a deer and rabbit deterrent too.

Herb Robert used to be known as St Robert’s Herb. St Robert was a French monk who used this herb extensively as medicine. He lived in 1000AD. However, it is also associated with Robin Hood.

Herb Robert is not a herb that is used in most herbal medicine practices. It has not been well studied. I do know someone who considers it a cure all. It is a good addition to the herbal tool box, like many commonly found, easily grown herbs.

White Herb Robert is compact with dainty white flowers

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