Garlic ~ a superstar herb & vegetable
Garlic is a superstar herb and vegetable
On today's list is planting my garlic. This is late for me as I usually have it in the ground in March to get it established before winter. The cloves are already telling me too because they're sprouting.
Garlic, Allium sativum, is thought to have come from Central Asia (around 4000BC) and from there spread to the China, the Indian subcontinent, and the Mediterrarean. Its use has been recorded as far back as Ancient Egypt. It has has a long history of use in both the kitchen and the medicine cabinet. It is a close relative of onions and leeks.
🧄Garlic is rich in selenium and sulphur as well as some vitamins and minerals. The sulphur is some of the reason for that distinctive taste and smell.
🧄Antioxidant action is still strong with up to 20 minutes cooking but microwaving and pickling reduce it.
🧄Antimicrobial and antifungal ~ there is a wealth of research to back this up, showing benefits when used against pathogens like bacteria, viruses, tinea, candidiasis, mouth ulcers, H. pylori, etc.
🧄Anticancer activity ~ some is due to its antioxidant effects.
🧄Cardiovascular support has been shown in studies to show results on cholesterol, peripheral blood flow and more. *Please note garlic is contraindicated with some medications, including warfarin. Please check first with your naturopath or medical herbalist if you are taking any meds.
🧄Immunomodulary is why so many of us reach for garlic when we're feeling under the weather.
🧄Digestive tract ~ it has been used for centuries for worms, food poisoning and other gut upsets.
🧄 Respiratory system ~ people use this when they have upper respiratory infections or are frequently sick.
🧄Topically ~ some people use this for ear infections and infected wounds.
🧄🧄Easy ways to enjoy garlic include roasting whole and squeezing out the deliciousness on lamb or beef, infusing in honey and eating the garlic or just the honey off the spoon, or when sick wrapping in a cloth and binding it to the feet overnight.
You could say this herb is a super star with so many anecdotal and medical studies to back up how incredible it is. Now to plant my powerhouse vegetable.