Rachael Stott Rachael Stott

Sourdough bread - gluten free

Gluten free sourdough bread is deicious and I’ve spent many months perfecting it

I am a huge fan of the old fashioned dietary wisdom from the Weston A Price Foundation. One of the ideas they embrace is traditionally made sourdough bread (without yeast). My family members who are able to eat gluten love the gluten version. I am a Coeliac so for a long time I looked at their bread in envy and it smelled and looked so delicious. I have included the recipe below.

I found a recipe but it has taken a while to tweak it and now I can make it well indeed. The final piece of the puzzle was finding some cast iron loaf pans. Some friends and clients have sent me photos of their gluten free sourdough bread with many perfecting it the first time (what stars!). This bread freezes well, I slice it first so I can take out a couple of slices at a time.

Sourdough is when the baker ferments the flour over an extended period of time, reducing phytic acid and enabling the digestive system to break down more easily the food more easily. The starter may be used in pancakes, and regular baking in place of some of the other ingredients. I have done this successfully with recipes I use regularly. Of course the hens love the extra discard from the starter jar. With standard yeast in bread, this is a quick ferment which means that the phytic acid has a lack of time to break it down. Phytic acid is the hard coating on seeds, grains and dried beans that naturally occurs to deter the seed growing except favourable conditions.


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