Why eat seasonally?
Why eat seasonably? Nutrient levels are higher in foods when we do
Seasonal eating is something dear to my heart. It makes an awful lot of sense. Eating food when it's at its freshest and most full of those nutrient goodies. Some people may claim boredom but when food tastes amazing when it's in season and bland when it's not, I think our tastebuds are telling us something.
🌱Plants have their optimal nutrients when they are in season and ideally picked straight from our garden. When tomatoes are out of season they have poor taste and lack the vitamin C levels they have when in their peak in summer and early autumn. This goes for strawberries and fruit that is shipped from halfway around the world.
🍋When winter hits, citrus is ready. Lemons, oranges and grapefruit are available in NZ to buy from NZ growers. A good boost for our immune systems!
🥔Comfort food with starchy veges is what many of us crave over the cooler months. This is denser food for more energy to build us up against the cold. We still have a lot of pumpkins and other starchy veges in the garden as many people still will.
🥚In days gone by, people preserved eggs and made cheese and butter for the winter months when hens were off the lay and cows were dried off. They had salt pork and preserves for the winter months and winter veges, with fruit stored in crates for the winter months. How things have changed.