Nigella aka black seed

Nigella sativa, aka black seed or black cumin, is a sweet little flower that many people grow in their gardens. Many may be unaware of the medicinal powerhouse in the seeds of that plant. As a culinary addition, the seeds add an oregano flavour to your meals.

I use nigella in clinic as a tincture or as an oil and it has been used for millennia in Ayurvedic medicine and in many other traditional medicines around the world. There are many studies showing it has a broad range of uses and efficacy.

I may use this in clinic for:

☘️Digestive support - to soothe an irritated gut, indigestion, for worms or gut infections as it has anthelmintic, antibacterial and antifungal.

☘️Immune support - some people use it as anticancer and antitumour, for when they have the sniffles or congestion, or things like candida.

☘️Hayfever, cardiovascular support, blood sugar stability, high cholesterol, lactation support, liver and kidney support.

☘️Antioxidant, antiinflammatory and analgesic properties.️

Be aware that this superstar herb may interact with medications as there has been some evidence of this during studies. It may not be the right herb for you to take but it has a promising history of use and more recent studies to show it has oh so many uses.

Nigella sativa is a herbal powerhouse


The soothing passionflower


White sage, sacred plant of the American Indians